Butler Nissan

Butler Nissan

Sales 888-597-9493 | Service 888-660-0844 | 4500 Riverside Dr, Macon, GA 31210

What is Dopamine Dressing?

With many people working from home, going out less, and not celebrating as many occasions over the last couple of years, we generally haven't been getting dressed as much. We definitely haven't had as many reasons to get dressed in our best, and many people work from home without ever changing out of their loungewear. We can appreciate a comfortable outfit, but if you've noticed that you're feeling less confident lately, or you're struggling to get dressed as we start going out more, you're not alone. Maybe you no longer connect to or feel inspired by the wardrobe you curated pre-pandemic. Maybe you're struggling to be comfortable with your style this year. 

That's where dopamine dressing comes in. The last few years of fashion have been dominated by neutral colors and minimalist styles. As we start going out again, people are itching to celebrate with brighter colors and more interesting outfits.

There's a lot to be said about color theory, color association, and the old adage "look good, feel good." Dopamine dressing is combining all of these for a fresh new look. No, you don't need to throw out your neutrals and sleek styles if that is what makes you feel comfortable. But what you do need to do is appreciate the clothing that inspires you and makes you feel like your best self. From wearing yellow to feel happier or blue to feel calmer, to putting on that power suit before walking into your next meeting, dopamine dressing is all about wearing what makes you feel good.

The idea of dopamine dressing is to let your personality shine through your clothing. Confidence looks good with everything. Rather than following trends or choosing clothes that will withstand the test of time, consider choosing bold statement outfits and colors that make you feel like your best self.

If you want to feel confident behind the wheel of a new vehicle, contact the Butler Nissan team online today. We're here to show you all the great features available and we can pair you with the vehicle that will inspire you the most.